Luke Chapter 17

Luke 17 is yet another challenging chapter!  And as we begin, think of the move that we’re all on from actuality to potentiality – we’re all on a journey from what/who we are to what we are becoming.  We’re on a move, never static, but always moving from one thing to another.  We always hope it’s growth, but being alive means that we’re all on a journey from actuality (who we are) to what we are becoming.

 I think that’s a helpful way to look at Luke 17, and as you listen to the video I think you’ll see how that might make some sense.  On the other hand, when Jesus talks about the coming Kingdom of God (and its potential) he also says it’s actually here, so it’s reversed in the potentiality of the Kingdom being actually here in and among us.

It’s not something I’ve thought about before, but I think it might be a key to understanding Luke 17!  Listen in and see what you think:

And here's a great new song (to me, at least) by Plumb called Beautifully Broken.  I hope you enjoy it!


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