Luke Chapter 4

In Luke 4 we see how some themes are starting to emerge as Luke tells his story of Jesus.  Jesus is "full of the Holy Spirit" in a "substantive" kind of way, and is driven by that same Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil.  Through this we learn about demon seduction - being seduced to do little things that draw us away from the heart of God - so that the little things actually become the big things!

Then, Jesus goes to his home town synagogue to preach, all goes well, well, that is, until they rise up and want to throw him off the brow of the hill outside of town because he suggests that the people of Israel are not God's "club" that God will only seek to bless!  Jesus does some casting out of demons, and then retreats by himself to re-energize before he goes to call his disciples in Chapter 5.

Read through Chapter 4 before listening to the video, and I hope you enjoy some new learning!

Here's the video:

And here's a great song by Caleb and Kelsey called My Jesus, I Love Thee (Love Song).  I hope you enjoy it!


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