Luke Chapter 22

So much is happening in Chapter 22.  It begins with the chief priests and elders looking to find a way to put Jesus to death, but they were fearful of "the people."  Then, in 22:3, Satan entered into Judas.  Remember how the Spirit of God has a substantive quality?  It's the same with Satan's spirit "entering" into Judas.  Remember how, at Jesus' temptation that Satan departed until an "opportune time?"  Well, now is the opportune time for Satan to "enter into" Judas.

Jesus celebrates the Passover, and reconstitutes that meal into the Last Supper, and then things move quickly.  The disciple argue, Jesus goes to Gethsemane, is betrayed, arrested, and put on trial.   

Tomorrow we experience the death of Jesus in Chapter 23, but for now, just spend some time on Chapter 22.  Here's the video:

Here's a wonderful a-cappella version of In Christ Alone - it doesn't have words, but just let the harmony wash over you like a warm welcoming wave!


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