Luke Chapter 12

Sorry - this one got a little long!  There's so much there that I just got carried away!  Hope that's OK - just grab a second cup of coffee halfway through and I think you'll be fine!

Here again we have Discipleship Training as Jesus speaks to his disciples, which the crowds (the people) gathered in thousands around him.  Remember those three groupings - the Twelve (apostles), the disciples, and the people (the crowds) who were receptive?  Here Jesus is surrounded by the crowds, but speaks just to his disciples.  It's Discipleship Training for those who wish to follow Jesus.

Nonetheless, the conflict surrounding Jesus continues to escalate, since he "set his face to go to Jerusalem" in 9:51 and we continue to see that increase in the coming chapters.

Here's the video:

And here's a wonderful version of How Great Thou Art from Anthem Lights.  There aren't printed lyrics to go along with it, but I hope you know most of it by heart!  Enjoy!!


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