Luke Chapter 15

In Luke 15 we have some of the most comforting but also most challenging verses in the New Testament!  The comfort comes with the stories of the shepherd who loses )and finds) a sheep, the woman who loses (and finds), and a Waiting Father who loses (and finds) a lost son.  That's all very nice and comforting!

But it's the response of the elder brother that is the point of the chapter.  In the beginning verses the scribes and Pharisees grumbled against Jesus, saying that he welcomes sinners and tax collectors and eats with them.  And Jesus tells this trilogy of parables against them!  The elder brother represents those who don't want riff raff in the kingdom of God, but Jesus says that it is for the riff raff that he came!  What a challenge it must have been for the scribes and Pharisees, and in many ways, it continues to be a challenge to us!

So - listen in to the video:

And sing along with Softly and Tenderly Jesus is Calling - Come Home!


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