Luke Chapter 16

In Luke 16 we have a very challenging chapter with parables and sayings that cut to the core of what it means to follow Jesus!  As he is marching toward Jerusalem he tells a story to his disciples (his followers – this is not one for “the crowds”!)  It’s the parable of the shrewd manager who has cheated his master, is about to get fired, but then does something that his boss commends him for!  It’s one of those hard to understand parables, for sure!

 Then Jesus has words about divorce, which are also challenging, but which, I think, needs to be seen in the broader context of Jesus’ love for people.

 And then there is the parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus – a great and graphic story about how the decisions we make today about the way we use (and misuse) our wealth has long term consequences!

 Make sure you have a good cup of coffee and listen in!

And here's another wonderful song by the Living Stones Quartet, which I didn't know a while back but they have wonderful voices.  The song is He Giveth More Grace.  Enjoy!


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