Luke Chapter 21

In Luke 21 we have Luke's apocalypse, similar to Mark 13 and Matthew 24-25.  These words about the dark end of times encourage us to do one thing - to look for the Son rather than interpret what we think are current "signs."

Back in Jesus' time they thought that Jesus was going to usher in God's Kingdom to restore Israel to its universal prominence.  They thought the death of Jesus would bring that, in fact, in Acts 1:6 they asked if Jesus was going to bring about the end of time right then, to which Jesus responded that he didn't know when the end of time would be; neither do the angels, but only God the Father knew that.

Those are important words to remember when we hear people reading the tea leaves and saying that our current context fulfills what the apocalyptic portions of Scripture foretold.  But that's what people have thought through every difficult time in history, and it's never need the end.  Instead of reading tea leaves, or listening to a strange person on YouTube, it's so much more important to look for the Son than to be led astray by people who think they read the tea leaves better than Jesus.

But Luke 21:13 says that these times are ones for you to testify - to witness about what you believe about the Son of God.  That's the most important verse in Chapter 21:  "This will give you an opportunity to testify."  Focus on the Son, not the signs.

Here's the video:

And here's a wonderful video of Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus - we'll be singing this for the next two Sundays in our worship service!  I hope you enjoy it!


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