Luke Chapter 7

In Luke 7 we come across several fascinating stories as Jesus' identity is slowly revealed to those around him.  The first is the story of the healing (at a distance) of a Roman Centurion's favorite servant when Jesus makes the astounding observation that nowhere among the people of Israel had he seen such faith.

Then there's the story of the healing of the widow of Nain's only son, followed by a defense of John the Baptist's ministry, and then the woman who came and washed Jesus' feet with expensive ointment and with her hair and her tears.  Jesus loves her, forgives her, and restores her and tells her that her faith has made her well.

Read through Chapter 7 before listening to the video and you'll get much more out of the video!  Here is is:

And here's a wonderful  song by Casting Crowns entitled, "Listen To Our Hearts."


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