Luke Chapter 9

In Chapter 9 there is a huge pivot from what went before (Jesus' Galilean ministry) to what lay ahead (Jerusalem and the cross). Jesus sends out his disciples at the beginning of the chapter to see if people would receive their ministry as his own, feeds the 5,000 (again, as an authentication of his ministry), and is then transfigured before Peter, James, and John on the Mount of Transfiguration.

It is then that he starts to talk about the cross and his suffering and death.  And then comes Luke's major pivot in 9:51 when Jesus "set his face to go to Jerusalem."

Listen in, and we'll see in the coming weeks how this pivot made all the difference in (and for!) the world!  Here's the video:

And here's a great video by Anthem Lights - Who I'm Meant To Be.



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