Luke Chapter 10

In Luke 10 we see the escalation of hostility and conflict toward Jesus and his ministry, starting after the great "pivot" yesterday in Luke 9:51 when Jesus "set his face to go to Jerusalem."  And it gets worse in the coming chapters!  It's as if Jesus poked a hornet's nest, and the conflict and hostility started swarming around him!  

Nonetheless, in this chapter we hear about the story of the Good Samaritan and Mary and Martha, which are great and familiar stories, but, seen within this conflict context, perhaps they will take on some new meaning for you!

Listen in and see what you think! 

And here's a great song by Alison Krauss, A Living Prayer.  The chorus includes the line, "Take my life and let me be - a living prayer, My God, to Thee.  Beautiful summary of today's lesson!


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