Luke Chapter 14

In Chapter 14 we have continued teachings from Jesus that many outcasts and Gentiles will be a part of the Kingdom of God!  Contrary to the expectation of his hearers, Jewish outcasts and Gentiles outside of the people of Israel will be a part of the Kingdom, as Jesus continues to reject Jerusalem, who had rejected him.

In the familiar story of the banquet where people chose the preferred seats at the table, Jesus says that the least will be first, and all who humble themselves will be exalted.  And in the parable of the Great Banquet there is the story of the people who made excuses!  As the chapter ends, Jesus warns about thoughtless discipleship, and talks about the actual cost of discipleship and bearing our own crosses.

It's a wonderful, yet very challenging chapter!  So listen in to the video:

And remember this old Vacation Bible School song?  It's right from Luke 14 - I cannot come to the banquet!


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