Luke Chapter 19

Luke 19 tells of the final ministry of Jesus before he enters into Jerusalem in 19:28.  Remember the pivot verse of 9:51 when Jesus "set his face" to go to Jerusalem?  Well, he finally arrives there.

The chapter begins with the delightful story of Zacchaeus, which brings together some themes that were developed in Chapter 18.  Then Jesus tells the parable of the pounds, reminding his disciples (and us!) that it matters what we do with what God has entrusted to us!  As he enters into Jerusalem with the text we often use on Palm Sunday, he goes to turn over the tables in the Temple of those who were selling things to profit themselves.

And all the crowds (the people) were spellbound by what they heard (19:48).  Surely Jesus was someone they wanted to know more about!

Here's the video:

Here's a song I hope you like!  Jesus, Your Mercy.


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