Luke Chapter 20

In Luke 20 we again see some themes that have developed over Luke's Gospel.  Jesus, after cleansing the Temple, now teaches "the people" in the Temple and telling them the Good News of the Kingdom.  Still angry, the religious leaders tried to entrap Jesus in a question about his authority, and Jesus turns the question on them.  

Jesus then tells a parable against the religious leaders with the imagery of a vineyard in which they would have seen themselves, and turns the tables on them even further.  And he negates a question that the Sadducees asked him, and suddenly they were not able to ask him any more questions, because they feared "the people."

The move of the religious leaders is now reaching a fevered pitch, and soon Jesus would go to trial.

We only have a few days left, so be sure to read the chapter before each lesson to get the most out of it!  

Here's the video: 

Here's a wonderful song by Kari Jobe - You Are For Me.  Enjoy!


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