Luke Chapter 24

With Luke 24 we come to the end of our study/reading of the Gospel of Luke!  It's been a great experience for me to go through this Gospel with you, and I hope you've learned and grown during this time.  It's a wonderful Gospel of contagious joy, written so masterfully by Luke, with themes that run throughout the whole Gospel.

In Luke 24 we have Jesus' post-resurrection appearances, both to the women who went to the tomb, and to the two disciples on the road to Emmaus.  It's a wonderful way for Luke to conclude his story of Jesus, and the joy both ends his Gospel, and leads into his next work, the Acts of the Apostles.

What's next for us is focusing in September on My Joy Journal that people on Zion's mail list will be receiving this week, and for others, you can download a PDF on our website at - it'll be up on Sunday for our Tuesday start.

And you'll receive an email from me directing you to to listen to a short video each day, along with a song, that will guide you through the next phase of resources for you.  We all need a little more joy in our lives, and it is my hope and prayer that My Joy Journal will help in that process!

But for now, here's the video from Chapter 24!

And here's a wonderful version of Beautiful Savior, from the St. Olaf College Choir, directed by Ken Jennings, who was their director for many years.  It's a little quiet, so turn up the volume and enjoy the beauty of 900 choir and alumni members singing this beautiful song!


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